The Borough of Liverpool complies with the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act and makes public records available on request. Requests for records will only be accepted through the use of the Open Records Request Form listed below.
The Liverpool Borough Council has appointed Pat Roland as the Open Records Officer for the Borough of Liverpool.
Below are links for a printable copy of the required form and the Borough’s Open Records Policy in PDF format.
Pat Roland may be contacted as follows:
Borough of Liverpool
Open Records Officer
PO Box M – 401 Locust Street
Liverpool, PA 17045
Written requests for public records must be submitted on the Request Form below provided by the Borough of Liverpool.
Request Forms may be submitted at the Borough office between the normal business hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Wednesday evenings, or submitted by mail. Requests made by mail will be date stamped by the following business day.
For complete information on the Borough’s Open Records policy, including submission rules and copy fees please download and review the Open Records Policy document listed below.